In the past 15 years, Wales has become an economic powerhouse in Europe, where pioneering new technologies are developed and manufacturing accounts for about 30% of GDP. It has emerged as a leading force in an increasingly diverse range of high-tech sectors, from aviation to optical electronics.

Increasingly, this is attracting sector leaders from across the world. Globally-recognised brand names, like Agilent Technologies, Bosch, Toyota, Airbus, Ford and Sony, have established operations in Wales. These investors have recognised the benefits of working in a thriving business environment, where productivity is high, the cost base is low and innovation is part of the culture. So much so, that more than 60% of companies that invest in Wales will do so again.

Wales’ geographical and political position puts investors at the heart of the world’s largest consumer market: Europe. As part of the EU, Wales benefits from tariff-free access to these markets and a range of incentive packages for investors, aimed at encouraging economic development. Set-up and ongoing operational costs are competitive and in some areas can be further reduced by incentive packages.

Wales has a highly qualified and highly skilled workforce, whose productivity rate is one of the highest in Europe. In addition, infrastructure – from state-of-the-art broadband telecommunication links to its road, rail and air networks – is one of the most highly developed in Europe.

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