Despite the global decline in the flow of FDI since 2001, the Czech Republic has sustained its high rate of foreign investment and maintains its position as the leading recipient of FDI in Europe. The E1.5bn investment by Toyota and Peugeot-Citroen in a joint car plant in Kolin, which is scheduled for completion in the second half of 2004, is a major vote of confidence for the country.

The strength of the education system and the pace of productivity is increasing, holding the key to attracting new investments. In terms of productivity, many investors achieve levels on a par with Germany in little more than two years from start-up. When it comes to intellectual capital, the Czech Republic excels. The country has one of the highest outputs of science and engineering graduates in the world as a percentage of total degrees awarded. Prague’s CVUT is the largest technical university in Europe, with 21,000 students, and throughout the country there are around 50,000 university students in technology fields.

The latest announcements of DHL’s investment into a pan-European IT operations centre in Prague and Olympus’ investment into a high-tech repair centre in Prostejov have confirmed that the Czech Republic is the location of choice for high-tech operations.

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