Botswana continues to be Africa’s great success story. The country has enjoyed the benefits of social and political stability and a non-racial, multi-party, participatory democracy since independence in 1966. Economic success is attributable to the exploitation of the country’s vast mineral resources, especially diamonds, which contribute roughly one-third of GDP. The government of Botswana used the mineral revenues to finance both social and physical infrastructure and improved the standard of living in the country.

The current policies focus on increased economic liberalisation to broaden and strengthen the foundation for diversification with strong private sector participation.Against this backdrop of sound macroeconomic policies, Botswana is an ideal destination for an investor. Priority has been given, but not limited, to the sectors in which the country has a competitive advantage because of the abundance of raw materials. These are glass manufacturing, leather tanning, beef by-products and jewellery. The country is also promoting investment in textile and garment manufacture, financial services, tourism, IT development and data processing.

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